THE "FULL-CYCLE" advantage

donors. nonprofits. advisors.

Fifty Rock Consulting is much more than a traditional "full-service" fundraising consulting firm.  Fifty Rock Consulting is, in fact, a "full-cycle" philanthropic partner.  Unlike most firms who specialize with one category of client or audience (e.g. nonprofit leadership and boards), Fifty Rock Consulting has the experience, passion, and most importantly skill to work directly with philanthropists and their family, nonprofits of all sizes, and the full range of instrumental professional advisors.  By serving each of the three critical philanthropic stakeholders - donor, charity, advisor - Fifty Rock Consulting designs and delivers innovative frontline strategies that are tailored, proven, and take less time and financial resources.

It is this comprehensive and holistic approach to philanthropy that allows our consultants to deeply understand the opportunities and overcome the challenges inherent in today's competitive fundraising environment.  This is the advantage of a "full-cycle" consulting firm.